Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Uncle Sam's Plantation

Uncle Sam’s Plantation is a riveting book that tells the story of the American welfare system and how it is perpetuating the problem that it was created to solve. In this thought provoking work Star Parker pulls from her vast knowledge of the welfare system to shine a bright light on its most glaring problems. She discusses how feminism is leading to the decay of the family in Black America. She shows through personal stories and research how the further you go into the system the more programs there are to help keep you there. In of the most interesting portions of the book is the final third in which Starr shares from the experience of her personal journey out of the welfare system what must be done to free those who are in the system of the chains that bind them. Truly inspiring and well worth the read if you are on welfare or know someone who is. This powerful book could also be useful for organizations that serve in poverty stricken regions of our country

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